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Old Scratch |
Old Scratch replied to topic 'pronouns.... How I lament' 3 days
Old Scratch replied to topic 'Frigate...I had no idea' 3 days
Old Scratch replied to topic 'Frigate...I had no idea' 4 days
Old Scratch replied to topic 'Trick or Treat' 10 days
Old Scratch replied to topic 'Interview with Bruce Molsky' 40 days
Old Scratch posted a forum topic 'Does rosin age out?' 54 days
Old Scratch replied to topic 'WTH, is there a trick for this chord?' 58 days
Old Scratch replied to topic 'Humor, not political...What else do I need to vote?' 61 days
Old Scratch replied to topic 'Playing when you've had a little too much' 67 days
Old Scratch replied to topic 'How to develop energy in you fiddling??' 74 days
Old Scratch has 6 friends.
tougholdbuzzard |
charlie.walden |
Lowdown TMoe |
Hoodoo |
UB2 |
brooklynbanjoboy |
brooklynbanjoboy replied to topic 'Request for Assistance: Photos of Kerry Blech for a book project' 12 days
brooklynbanjoboy posted a forum topic 'Request for Assistance: Photos of Kerry Blech for a book project' 12 days
Old Scratch has made 22 recent additions to Fiddle Hangout
Gender: Male
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Created 6/22/2016
Last Visit 11/11/2024