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Dale Farmer |
There was a post today in the forum asking for photos of fiddle players. This brings back an interesting memory of long, long ago. I think it was about 1980 or so, that I went to a bluegrass festival. I think it was in Indiana. I borrowed my brother's new Cannon AE1 35mm camera. I hadn't used it before but it seemed pretty easy. He had already loaded the film and was on photo #3. I had taken a photography class that year so I was somewhat familiar with choosing the aperture and shutter speed, and with taking off the lens cover... I had snapped a bunch of the photos on the 36 exposure roll when John Hartford took the stage. I got a few good pics of him on stage doing his playing and dancing. The crowd was really into it when he did his trademark walk through the audience. Wireless amplification must have been in its infancy because that seems so long ago. I was there on a date I think. I don't remember who I was with but we were on a blanket and not in lawn chairs so I'm pretty sure it was a date. Anyway, John was making his way in our direction and I was snapping some good ones. But then out of all the places to come to a stop, he stood right in front of us. His right foot was a little on the corner of our blanket and he just stood there fiddling away. Up till this point he was moving but now he was stationary right there. I was taking photo after photo, ten at least, looking up at what seemed to be a pretty tall guy at that point with his tennis shoes and derby. I'm sure he was wearing bell bottoms. The problem was that I was so involved with the photography that I think I pretty much lost a great moment. That tends to happen sometimes when you have a camera in your hand, the picture becomes more important than the subject itself. Now here's the thing. When he finally started walking again I took photo number 36 of his back side and advanced the film. It was one of those lucky times when there's just enough film on the roll to get a 37th photo. I took one more and advanced. Photo #38, again to photo #39,#40, Uh Oh something's wrong here.... Yep. when I opened the camera I saw that my brother had not loaded the film right and the leading edge never caught on the winder. So, the camera had film but .... Anyway, if it wasn't for that little detail I'd have some great pics to post. I was, and still am, a huge John Hartford fan!
3 commentsDale Farmer has 15 friends. View entire friends list.
![]() TimK |
![]() Royce Burt |
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![]() robinja |
Playing Since: 2008
Experience Level: Intermediate
Occupation: Film and Music Production
Gender: Male
Age: 64
My Instruments:
Guarneri model Markneukirchen 1920
Favorite Bands/Musicians:
Dan Gellert
Rayna Gellert
Dirk Powell
Stewart Duncan
Kenny Baker and all those other first gen bluegrassers
Classified Rating: (0)
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Visible to: Public
Created 4/21/2008
Last Visit 5/23/2022
Banjo and guitar for 30 years. Always wanted to play fiddle. Finally bought one last year at an auction. My wife asked me to practice in the basement and on the way down the "vintage" case popped open and the fiddle fell out and tumbled down the basement stairs, cracking on every step. I joined FHO to find a fiddle and within two days I met Royce Burt and bought one of his that I think I'll be very happy with. Royce was great to do business with and I highly recommend him. By the way, my new case has a zipper...