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instrumentality |
Actually it's been more than a year...I guess I've been busy, if not so much on the fiddle front as I'd like. Let's see...we took a couple of trips this year, to the Smokies and across the midwest, both of which led us to a lot of cool fiddle shops, music stores, jams and concerts. Got to see Jamie Laval in Tennessee and make a visit to Elderly in Michigan, among other things. Went back to fiddle camp in June but said goodbye to a good fiddle friend who moved away...managed to trek west for some lessons over the winter and spring. Got to meet up with fellow hangout member Percy in Rochester, MN while I was there for work, which was pretty cool. Now that fall's almost over, I've been playing with some friends at work more and getting geared up for christmas music season. Just got back from playing fiddle at a minister friend's installation service and planning to sit in for a contra dance next week before taking off for Thanksgiving...
Though, to be honest, music has taken more a backseat than I'd like this year, with job craziness and life in general getting in the way and most of my established weekly musical things falling by the wayside as people moved away or got busy with other stuff. Sometimes I really wish I were independently wealthy so I could spend all my time on music.
One thing I plan to do after the holidays is get back to doing open mikes...I'd done a couple in the spring that were really fun, and haven't been back since they started up again in the fall, but I should make that more of a priority - having something to prepare for gives me focus in my practicing and playing, and it's fun to get up there and play some tunes.
Fiddle hell this weekend! Yay!
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Genre: Unknown/None Chosen
Playing Style: Unknown/None Chosen
Genre: Unknown/None Chosen
Playing Style: Unknown/None Chosen
Genre: Celtic/Irish
Playing Style: Unknown/None Chosen
Genre: Celtic/Irish
Playing Style: Unknown/None Chosen
Playing Since: 2005
[Jamming] [Socializing] [Helping]
Occupation: Designer/Strategist
Gender: Female
Age: 42
My Instruments:
Fiddle, Piano, Mandolin, occasional dabbling in penny whistle, brass in a past life...and I've been known to sing.
Favorite Bands/Musicians:
Lissa Schneckenburger, Hanneke Cassel, Genticorum, Jamie Laval, Gaelic Storm, Great Big Sea, Dar Williams, Alisdair Frasier, Natalie Haas, Wild Asparagus, Crooked Still, The Wailin' Jennies...and many others. I'm game for most music. Try me!
Classified Rating: (0)
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Profile Info:
Visible to: Public
Created 9/29/2008
Last Visit 9/18/2017
Grew up playing the piano and loved it, but knew I wanted to play a portable instrument...somehow it took me a couple of decades to get around to doing it, but I learned to contra dance in the meantime, so it wasn't all bad. Now I'm trying to catch up.