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bsed55 replied to topic 'Play Fly Around Pretty Little Miss in D from Emmett Lundy (?)' 7 days
bsed55 replied to topic 'Play Fly Around Pretty Little Miss in D from Emmett Lundy (?)' 8 days
bsed55 replied to topic 'Play Fly Around Pretty Little Miss in D from Emmett Lundy (?)' 8 days
bsed55 posted a forum topic 'Play Fly Around Pretty Little Miss in D from Emmett Lundy (?)' 8 days
loy replied to topic 'All My Trials' 17 days
bsed55 posted a forum topic 'Chicken In A Snowbank' 18 days
bsed55 posted a forum topic 'Play Five Miles of Ellum Wood in A' 24 days
bsed55 replied to topic 'What's it called?' 24 days
alaskafiddler replied to topic 'Playing when you've had a little too much' 27 days
alaskafiddler replied to topic 'Wrist/hand injury...how long did it take you to play again?' 30 days
loy replied to topic 'Here's one I betcha you've never heard before...' 31 days
bsed55 posted a forum topic 'Play Clover Bottoms in C' 33 days
bsed55 posted a forum topic 'Play Whitesburg in A' 33 days
alaskafiddler replied to topic 'DPA 4099 users - a question' 35 days
alaskafiddler replied to topic 'How to develop energy in you fiddling??' 35 days
Playing Since: 1978
[Jamming] [Socializing]
My Instruments:
Fiddles and Banjos
Favorite Bands/Musicians:
Wilson Douglas , Melvin WIne, Bruce Molesky, John Hartford , Dave Bing and the old fiddle dudes I learned from over the years
Classified Rating: (0)
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Profile Info:
Visible to: Public
Created 8/7/2007
Last Visit 9/23/2024
I play mostly oldtime style fiddle and banjo .... Ive learned from WV fiddlers, Gaspe fiddlers , Irish dances and a Missouri fiddler , so thems is the styles I kinda know
Newest Posts
'R.I.P. Red Lamb' 17 hrs
'Pigeon the Gate - slow' 1 day
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'Rope binding' 2 days