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edwardberbaum |
Posted by edwardberbaum
- Play count: 264
Size: 1,894kb, uploaded 12/10/2009 4:09:53 PM
Genre: Old-Time / Playing Style: Unknown/None Chosen
This is an example of "Classical" Old-Time Fiddle. This tune has 2 keys A and E and is a spunky yet beautiful melodic masterpiece also see the notes at http://web.me.com/edwardberbaum/JehilesFiddleTunes/Welcome/Welcome.html
4 comments on “High Level Hornpipe”
ChickenMan Says:
Friday, December 11, 2009 @8:24:40 PM
That's Jehile!
edwardberbaum Says:
Saturday, December 12, 2009 @5:54:03 AM
what does that mean ?
ChickenMan Says:
Tuesday, February 9, 2010 @2:55:26 PM
Well, you didn't say who the recording was...Jehile Kirkhuff of course, but after I commented, I read your bio and recognized your name from an old Fiddler Magazine article and saw the jehile.org... my face was a little red.
I love Jehile. As do you. Thanks for your years of effort in preserving and sharing his gift with the world.
edwardberbaum Says:
Tuesday, February 9, 2010 @7:00:09 PM
thank you !! I never get tired of our old buddy Jehile. I now am doing Money Musk and Mountain Hornpipe. I practice and practice and.... i may be getting closer but Jehile is a high but worthy target
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