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hardykefes |
Posted by hardykefes
- Play count: 888
Size: 2,898kb, uploaded 1/5/2009 3:00:22 PM
Genre: Unknown/None Chosen / Playing Style: Unknown/None Chosen
Played on my new WANG-GUARNERI fiddle.
Percy Says:
Monday, January 5, 2009 @3:27:59 PM
You may be German, but you have an Irish soul! Lovely tune -- played with great skill!
zai Says:
Monday, January 5, 2009 @4:25:00 PM
Lovely :) Tune, fiddle, playing, recorded well too!
Ozarkian DL Says:
Monday, January 5, 2009 @6:31:00 PM
Mercy, mercy, my ,my.....marvelously magnificent. Is there a story on this tune Hardy ? I've never heard it b4. In me humble hillbilly pinion ur one-o-ta TOP players here Hardy. Now....that said.....do'nt let it go to ur head... you'll lose more'a yur hair. (LOL)
hardykefes Says:
Monday, January 5, 2009 @6:45:32 PM
This tune was taught to me by the Madison County fiddler Rodger Howell:
fiddlenbanjo Says:
Tuesday, January 6, 2009 @7:28:55 AM
Absolutely lovely!!! Never heard the song before. I'll look for it the next time the movie comes on. Great job!
fiddlepogo Says:
Tuesday, January 6, 2009 @2:59:01 PM
Actually, it sound Scottish to me... and it's so pentatonic,
that in a way in sounds Chinese- appropriate given the source of the instrument!
Twelvefret Says:
Wednesday, January 7, 2009 @5:37:47 AM
Oh yes, lovely
fiddlepLuker Says:
Sunday, January 11, 2009 @6:16:56 AM
WOW ! ! !
leather Britches Says:
Tuesday, January 27, 2009 @8:44:29 PM
Very, nice indeed. This is great stuff to listen to in-between my practice session.
Thanks Hardy
mudbug Says:
Saturday, March 28, 2009 @4:40:59 AM
Lovely playing. Did you put reverb on this track or is this the natural resonance and presence of this instrument? If the latter, I don't see why some people slam Chinese instruments, unless they've just encountered low end stuff which every country probably produces. That is deffenitly ? top shelf tone.
hardykefes Says:
Saturday, March 28, 2009 @4:49:12 AM
I added just a very little reverb. Anyhow, this fiddle would have been sold in New York or Chicago for 30 to 40K.
I "stole" it and I'm very happy with it.
Ozarkian DL Says:
Saturday, March 28, 2009 @9:11:46 AM
Reverb. .....un-necessary Hardy, anyway u pla it, it'll still be tha best. U'r very intimidating. We'll always be "fumble-fingered-fiddlers" in comparison. We hate ya Hardy ( LOL ). Oooo....jus paint us "envyous green".
mudbug Says:
Sunday, March 29, 2009 @1:14:21 PM
I have no comprehention of what "stealing" means when it comes after 30-40K, but I would guess that obviously buys a lot of "presence".
Percy Says:
Tuesday, July 7, 2009 @6:17:48 PM
Just a note... while this fiddle is an awesome instrument -- It's Hardy's skill that brings it to life. When he plays my grandpa's fiddle -- an inexpensive German trade/factory fiddle from the 1880s -- his magic comes through. I can only hope that a bit of his magic will wear off on me!
Peghead Says:
Friday, April 2, 2010 @11:51:11 AM
A pleasure to listen to. Thanks, Greg
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