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Teufelhunden54 |
mudbug Says:
Wednesday, April 7, 2010 @1:57:53 AM
Semper Fi, Harlan. I was a Navy Corpsman.
jamieholmes Says:
Friday, May 14, 2010 @11:41:00 AM
Hi Harlen.
Is that you in the pic?.
is Teufelhunden the hellhound?.
I am from Denmark and in Danish "hunden" meens The hound and teufel is the old devil him self?.
Teufelhunden54 Says:
Friday, May 14, 2010 @9:52:05 PM
That's me, but I don't look quite that young anymore. You are right, Teufelhund means "devil dog". This is a nickname given to the 5th and 6th regiment of Marines during WWI after the battle in Belleau Wood. The Huns were actually paying a soldierly compliment because of the fierceness of the Marine Brigade. It is a Germanic expression.
Teufelhunden54 Says:
Friday, May 14, 2010 @9:54:14 PM
Mudbug, if it were not for you guys, there would be no Marine Corps left. Not many anyway. Semper Fidelis
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