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jefferylong |
5 comments on “Untitled Photo”
Saturday, December 26, 2009 @6:08:34 AM
jefferylong Says:
Saturday, December 26, 2009 @8:53:08 AM
You bet ! Crappie, sac-a-lait, calico cat, whatever you want to call 'em, their the best eatin' fish I think on the river. We have a cabin up on the Tn. River nearby. We do a lot of crappie and catfishing. To me the crappie are the tastiest. Do you fish, Steve? You'll have to come down sometime - I'll take you crappie fishing. I've got a pontoon boat rigged for fishing I keep up on the Tn. River not far from here. We do a lot of crappie and catfishing too. Fish during the day and pick all night. Got some friends up at the river that like to pick - clawhammer banjo picker, guitar, and upright bass picker. Have a lot of fun up there.
mudbug Says:
Sunday, December 27, 2009 @3:40:08 PM
Whoever named them, shure wasn't thinking of marketing them to someone who's never tasted one. Was he trying to keep them all to himself? "Nah, you don't wanna eat THAT! It's CRAPPIE."
Feodosia Says:
Friday, July 30, 2010 @10:26:10 AM
We always called them " Calico bass " or just " Calicos "
when I was growing up ....
Makes alot more sense ...
Nothing crappie 'bout those fish !!
jefferylong Says:
Friday, July 30, 2010 @10:32:35 AM
Yea, we call 'em Calico's too sometimes. You're sure right - nothin' crappie about 'em. Best eatin' fish I think of all. I like 'em better than catfish, although most of the restaurants 'round here just serve catfish. Actually a few will cook 'em for you if you bring 'em in. I usually just deep fry 'em when I finally catch enough to serve the whole family. Generally have a couple of fish fry's a year. Takes me that long to catch enough. Just had one back around Father's Day. Sure good eatin'.
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