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darolRanger |
Posted by darolRanger, written by bill monroe/vassar clements
- Play count: 143
Size: 2,665kb, uploaded 5/19/2019 10:48:38 AM
Genre: Bluegrass / Playing Style: Unknown/None Chosen
From my recording EANDA, on Adventure Records. Features Courtney Hartman, Joe K Walsh, Sharon Gilchrist, Lukas Pool. This version contains the mystery 3rd part in A which I learned from Stuart Duncan.
2 commentsWritten/Posted by darolRanger
- Play count: 16
Size: 2,318kb, uploaded 5/19/2019 10:40:39 AM
Genre: Bluegrass / Playing Style: Unknown/None Chosen
From my EANDA recording on Adventure Music. Full-bore "Dozer-grass", that Alison Krauss' band did so well. Features Courtney Hartman, Joe K Walsh, Sharon Gilchrist, Lukas Pool.
Add CommentWritten/Posted by darolRanger
- Play count: 35
Size: 2,682kb, uploaded 5/19/2019 10:44:29 AM
Genre: Bluegrass / Playing Style: Unknown/None Chosen
Ultra-grass, played by Psychograss, with Tony Trischka, Mike Marshall, David Grier, Todd Phillips.
Add CommentWritten/Posted by darolRanger
- Play count: 57
Size: 1,141kb, uploaded 5/19/2019 10:35:20 AM
Genre: Bluegrass / Playing Style: Unknown/None Chosen
A new original that I wrote for Emy's rendition of Darrell Scott's "Crooked Road". It's called "The Crooked Road To Buffalo", and is built on Buffalo Gals. A nod to the great recording Bill Monroe's Uncle Pen, with all the stately marches & stuff. Ethan Setiawan, Emy Phelps, Bronwyn Keith-Hynes & Nathan Sabat played on it as well.
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