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rosinhead replied to topic 'Incredibow finish. Seems really bad to me!' 30 days
dsreiner commented on a photo 'Fiddle Hell Online, April 11-14, 2024, with 4 months replays' 42 days
charlie.walden posted a classified ad 'Massive Western Swing LP Collection (18 albums)' 49 days
dsreiner replied to topic 'Fiddle Hell Nov 2024' 59 days
dsreiner replied to topic 'Fiddle Hell Nov 2024' 59 days
Dick Hauser replied to topic 'Fiddle Scales Practice' 65 days
Dick Hauser replied to topic 'Ideas for self-guided ear training?' 65 days
Dick Hauser replied to topic 'what to do with Pentatonic scales' 65 days
imapicker2 replied to topic 'What tunes you playing today ' 78 days
Playing Since: 1980
Experience Level: Purty Good
[Teaching] [Jamming] [Socializing] [Helping]
Occupation: Self Employed
Gender: Male
Age: 55
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Visible to: Public
Created 9/11/2009
Last Visit 4/9/2018
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'R.I.P. Red Lamb' 14 hrs
'Pigeon the Gate - slow' 22 hrs
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