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Robin |
I'm the member, but it's my son who fiddles. I post here with his videos and audiofiles and the occasional query. I can't take credit for any of the talent! (But I have developed a personal interest in old-time music and tune history.)
Roger is 19 years old as of May 2015. He started by playing violin in grade school, and taught himself to fiddle at age 11. He learned pretty much everything he knows by listening (to live players or recordings) and jamming. He found the local old-time community early on, and people here have been really helpful and supportive. He played his first contra dance at age 12 and fronted his first string band (all adults in their 50s and 60s) at 13. Now he plays regularly with a wide variety of folks for dances, festivals, and other events, both here in Missouri and out of state. He's become a regular at Clifftop, Battleground, Winfield, and other festivals where there's jamming to be had. He discusses music theory (mostly jazz, but some old-time too) at a blog at https://coldjazz.wordpress.com/ .
(updated April 2015)
11 commentsRobin has 23 friends. View entire friends list.
sruprect |
Dana |
michaelm |
strokestyle |
bj |
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jd1 |
Steve Arkin |
TuneWeaver replied to topic 'What tunes you playing today ' 2 min
TuneWeaver replied to topic 'What tunes you playing today ' 49 min
ChickenMan replied to topic 'What's the cheapest Violin/Fiddle you've purchased?' 1 hr
ChickenMan replied to topic 'What electric fiddle do you play? (pick ups included)' 22 hrs
ChickenMan replied to topic 'Anyone playing Yew Piney Mountain in another position?' 22 hrs
ChickenMan replied to topic 'What electric fiddle do you play? (pick ups included)' 1 day
TuneWeaver replied to topic 'Why I did not fit in well! The funny facts' 1 day
TuneWeaver replied to topic 'Is there a name for this sound?' 1 day
ChickenMan replied to topic 'I adapted a spare bridge a bit and used it on the old violin' 1 day
ChickenMan replied to topic 'I adapted a spare bridge a bit and used it on the old violin' 1 day
TuneWeaver replied to topic 'Why I did not fit in well! The funny facts' 3 days
TuneWeaver replied to topic 'Why I did not fit in well! The funny facts' 3 days
TuneWeaver replied to topic 'What are your homemade specialties for the kitchen?' 3 days
ChickenMan replied to topic 'What are your homemade specialties for the kitchen?' 4 days
ChickenMan replied to topic 'Is there a name for this sound?' 4 days
Genre: Old-Time
Playing Style: Unknown/None Chosen
Genre: Old-Time
Playing Style: Unknown/None Chosen
Genre: Old-Time
Playing Style: Unknown/None Chosen
Genre: Old-Time
Playing Style: Unknown/None Chosen
Gender: Female
Age: 65
My Instruments:
A Subaru Outback and a Canon Powershot.
Classified Rating: (0)
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Visible to: Public
Created 3/22/2009
Last Visit 2/4/2021
Proud mom to a young fiddle player. Trying to keep half a step ahead of him so he can get the contacts and knowledge that will help him do what he wants with his fiddle!