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Shady Grove

Posted by fidlpat


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- Play count: 548

Size: 5,471kb, uploaded 6/19/2009 11:21:32 AM
Genre: Old-Time / Playing Style: Unknown/None Chosen

This is a song I did a couple of years ago. Most times, it's modal minor, but I'm doing it major,,,got that from someone,,,but changed it up entirely to my version. Vocals, fiddle, guitar, banjo, drum. To me, the Appalachian South is an ancient, haunted place, dripping with this je ne sais quoi, of ancient peoples, before we came, and I wanted to give it this feeling, and the drum especially for the Spirit of the Native Americans(I'm part Creek), who have inhabited this region for time out of mind,,,and Melungeons, and whoever else. Have you ever read Manley Wade Wellman's Silver John series,,,or about the Bell Witch?

4 comments on “Shady Grove”

mudbug Says:
Friday, June 19, 2009 @1:00:57 PM

Yeah, I see it. Deep South, Native American, Scots/Irish, Silver John playing his silver strung guitar, driving out the demons. Ancient evil lurking in the shadows.

fidlpat Says:
Friday, June 19, 2009 @1:45:25 PM

Ahhh, so you have read his stuff? Cool.:-)

dleemurphy Says:
Friday, February 19, 2010 @7:29:02 PM

You do Shady Grove so good! I love it!

fidlpat Says:
Saturday, February 20, 2010 @4:54:53 AM

Thank you dlee. :-) I appreciate it. I've not been here for awhile, but haven't left,,,just been busy recording other music, and brushing up my keyboard chops.

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