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Posted by FiddleCat
- Play count: 502
Size: 1,601kb, uploaded 1/1/2009 5:19:11 AM
Genre: Unknown/None Chosen / Playing Style: Unknown/None Chosen
Another Waltz I picked up that I enjoy to help with intonation. Friendly criticism welcome.
11 comments on “Tennessee Waltz”
bj Says:
Thursday, January 1, 2009 @6:33:50 AM
Ohh, you got a bit of FEELING into this one! Very good! The only comment I have is that you need to "dance" this one a bit to make the timing sound a little less mechanical.
You might want to listen closely to how vocalists phrase this song, and emulate them in places. These are a few of my favorites of this song:
A different take from two of my fave women vocalists:
FiddleCat Says:
Thursday, January 1, 2009 @6:47:39 AM
Thanks bj...I listened to the links you gave and I hear what you talking about. I like the 1'st link and the 3rd.link. I also listen to Patsy Cline sing it. I liked that one alot too. She's one of my favorites. It was nice listing to people sing it, I haven't heard it that way since I was a kid.
bj Says:
Thursday, January 1, 2009 @7:56:45 AM
Yeah, Patsy's the bees knees.
The beautiful thing about the internet is that a lot of the older stuff is resurfacing.
bj Says:
Thursday, January 1, 2009 @7:59:34 AM
Percy Says:
Thursday, January 1, 2009 @6:22:07 PM
You're intonation is excellent!! Well done! I'd like to hear you play this with a backing track -- it's sometimes hard to play waltzes by yourself. Here's a pretty good backing track for it (and for many other tunes as well). They're fun to play along with and they will help you with really getting into the piece. http://www.csotfa9.org/backup.html
But as a stand alone recording, you're doing a WONDERFUL job!!!
FiddleCat Says:
Friday, January 2, 2009 @3:00:44 AM
Thanks Percy! These 2 are the first waltzes I've ever played. I hope to find more I enjoy. They really help with my intonation. I didn't relize how lazy my fingers were getting and I was flat on the F+G (Dstring) and C+D (Astring) alot!! I'll look into that site you listed too when I get home from work today. It's going to be nice having my own back up. Mabey I can get a good feel of how I truly sound.
Percy Says:
Saturday, January 3, 2009 @12:04:52 AM
And if you really want to dig into the waltzes... start trying to playing along with this... Jay has an amazing way of adding SO much feeling to each and ever note -- holds, pushes, the music truly "sings." When you play along with Jay, you'll find it's not enough to play the right notes... time is critical with his stuff!!
macnasparade Says:
Friday, February 6, 2009 @12:35:22 PM
Nice job, FiddleCat. I think you nailed it! Makes me want to learn how to play waltzes. Well done!
FiddleCat Says:
Friday, February 6, 2009 @1:43:26 PM
Thanks Liz....I still keep playing this Waltz and a bunch of others now too. I've really enjoyed trying to get the feeling out of the songs lately. It's like a different way of playing all together. Try a couple..you'll most likely enjoy playing them too.
brya31 Says:
Sunday, June 14, 2009 @6:27:00 PM
Hey Dee I finally go to hearing this, Great job!!!! Very clear sound, I loved it!
Cyndy Says:
Thursday, July 30, 2009 @5:40:37 AM
Listening to this was a delight. You've got the intonation that I would so very much like to develop.
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