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Fisher's Hornpipe

Posted by FiddleCat


- Play count: 343

Size: 511kb, uploaded 11/22/2008 10:11:58 AM
Genre: Unknown/None Chosen / Playing Style: Unknown/None Chosen

Quite a few bowing mistakes and hesitation.

4 comments on “Fisher's Hornpipe”

ladymuse Says:
Saturday, November 22, 2008 @2:15:18 PM

I find it recognizable! - when you mention bowing mistakes, are you also meaning where the rhythm has an extra beat? Snaggy rhythm
is one of the first things I have learned to look for if something is hanging me - Love the tone you are getting! - smooth and clean!

FiddleCat Says:
Saturday, November 22, 2008 @3:31:05 PM

I felt like I hesitated is more of what I should of said instead of bowing mistakes. And yes I added an extra F# by accident. Good catch, I didn't notice I even did that till I played it back.
I used the birdseye fiddle to play these. It's actually a concert solo violin. The loudest one I own. I have a photo of it in my pictures. I use this alot when I go to my lessons. But I don't think it minds some fun once in a while. The other one I usually fiddle with is getting new set up, and being fixed cause the E string sounds like the Jake Break on a tractor trailer sometimes. :O( It's horrible and scary!!

fiddlepogo Says:
Saturday, November 22, 2008 @8:16:29 PM


You are getting a GOOD tone out of the bow-
better than a lot of more experience fiddlers.
You do have intonation issues, which your comments
on the tunes indicate you are aware of. Room for improvement,
but not TOO bad. Playing simple tunes with drones will help.
Biggest problem is this uneven tempo-
you'll play a phrase perfectly, then slow way down, then speed up, slow down.
Figure out what the slowest speed is where you can play the whole thing PERFECTLY- or at least STEADILY. Play it awhile at that speed, then a little faster...
then a little faster. Do it with a metronome if possible.
Be patient with yourself- it's better to play a hoedown slowed down to march tempo if you can play it better that way.
"Slow and steady wins the race"!

If you can couple that nice tone with slightly improved intonation
and steady rhythm, pretty soon people will be paying to hear you play!

FiddleCat Says:
Sunday, November 23, 2008 @4:38:30 AM

Fiddlerdi also mentioned about the tempo. And so has my instructor. I don't really notice doing this, I do have a metronome, I'm going to start pulling that out more often. As for intonation...when I do scales I do real well with intonation, but when I play songs it can go off. Usually the C on the G string, the G on the D string, and the B on the E string. Those are the ones that get me the most. Any sugestions for praticing scales, but in a different way? Thanks for your comments!!

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