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Posted by FiddleCat
- Play count: 464
Size: 906kb, uploaded 11/22/2008 10:06:56 AM
Genre: Unknown/None Chosen / Playing Style: Unknown/None Chosen
I was sharp often in this and tried to add a few double stops.
bj Says:
Saturday, November 22, 2008 @11:15:21 AM
I like the way you varied the bowing on this one!
FiddleCat Says:
Saturday, November 22, 2008 @3:35:01 PM
Yea...that bow rocking is alot eaiser then those D#*m double stops. I'll get them yet.
fiddlerdi Says:
Saturday, November 22, 2008 @4:33:23 PM
Pretty good overall and not that out of tune. Your rhythm was pretty consistent. One thing you might watch out for is not to slow down at the end of the A part too much. It needs to flow into the B part of the tune. I think right now you are doing that while trying to hit the double stops. Don't be in too big a hurry to play fast. Rhythm is very important, especially when playing with others. I usually only play a tune as fast as I can play the hardest part, so I won't slow it down when I get there.
FiddleCat Says:
Sunday, November 23, 2008 @4:23:32 AM
If I'm at a jam..or playing along with music at home, I let them carry the beat for me. But your very right in mentioning my rhythm being off. My instructor has said that also. He told me to tap my foot as I play. problem with that is my foot wants to follow along with all the half notes, quarter notes, 8th, 16th's etc. So It just can't keep the beat. I'll start working on this alot more. I also didn't notice I was slowing down between A & B parts, but if my rhythm is off I can how that would make sense. Thanks for your comments. I have lots of fine tuning to work on.
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