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musekatcher |
Posted by musekatcher
- Play count: 469
Size: 1,112kb, uploaded 6/4/2008 11:51:56 PM
Genre: Unknown/None Chosen / Playing Style: Unknown/None Chosen
I was experimenting with this high G tuning - EBGD from high to low (Not a typo).
7 comments on “(EBGD) Cumberland Gap”
OTJunky Says:
Thursday, June 5, 2008 @4:04:49 AM
Very nice fiddling - I like this version of the tune.
I've never heard of this tuning. I'm finding it really hard to believe that you crank the D string all the way up to a G. You sure it's not a typo?
musekatcher Says:
Thursday, June 5, 2008 @8:21:28 AM
Not a typo. I used an E string normally. I tuned the A string up to B. I replaced the D string with another A string tuned down to G, and I replaced the G string with a D string tuned to D.
Gladys Says:
Thursday, June 5, 2008 @10:16:55 AM
I love it! Ahhhh...someday I hope to sound this good!!
PeachyPicker08 Says:
Saturday, August 30, 2008 @8:04:46 PM
Really nice tune. Have to learn it now. That fiddle player is right on!
Ozarkian DL Says:
Sunday, April 19, 2009 @4:26:07 PM
Ya expermitted great Jim.
JCB Says:
Sunday, April 19, 2009 @5:44:02 PM
Sounds great!
gailg64 Says:
Monday, April 26, 2010 @6:58:44 AM
HI Jim, Wow! I was just surfing through the fiddle hangout & found this--what beautiful tuning, tone & timing!
Gail (Hi from Dwight, who sez, we're gonna come back to the TVFC again & have us some fun next time!)
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