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janepaints |
The stage at lower left. Audience spread across steep lawn. Hills rise beyond.
3 comments on “2008 Fireback Fiddle & Banjo Contest, Oxford NJ”
bj Says:
Sunday, September 14, 2008 @9:30:45 AM
Is that Claire onstage?
How did you get the angle showing the least amount of audience? LOL!
janepaints Says:
Sunday, September 14, 2008 @1:54:37 PM
I think it is indeed Claire onstage. The photo was taken early in the day, so much of the audience had yet to arrive. Claire (or whoever is onstage) might even have been sound-checking rather than performing. The angle IS deceptive in that the bulk of the audience was to my right, beyond the lens. Including the high hills was part of the aim of this photo.
It's interesting in how spread-out listeners chose to sit. If a PA wasn't used I think the entire crowd could've fit comfortably on the flat lawn directly in front of the stage and so have been able to hear the music without any amplification at all, which IMO would be preferable for both sound and the overall 'vibe' of the event. How did folks manage to hold fiddle contests (or any kind of musical performance) in, say, 1895? People were SO deprived back then. Music before Edison wasn't yet Too Loud Enough :)
Feodosia Says:
Monday, September 22, 2008 @6:26:04 AM
They had better hearing back then ...didn't have so much noise pollution ruining their eardrums - LOL thanks for the pics ... NJ even looks decent in pics like this
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