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vibratingstring |
need to drill the holes after finding out exactly where to do that.
4 comments on “pegs fitted and trimmed”
KCFiddles Says:
Thursday, August 1, 2013 @7:23:36 PM
Not bad for the first time out!
Drill 1/16" holes about 35 / 65 or 40 / 60 toward the big end of the peg, so that the peg can wear and the hole won't crowd the small end side of the box too soon.
vibratingstring Says:
Friday, August 2, 2013 @7:33:54 AM
Thank you, Michael, for your advice. I will stay on the knob side of center for each peg.......makes sense.
Chet Bishop Says:
Friday, August 2, 2013 @2:00:03 PM
Well done!
vibratingstring Says:
Friday, August 2, 2013 @2:31:05 PM
and thank you, Chet, for your expert guidance. I am about to go drill some holes in the pegs.
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