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janepaints |
2 comments on “Creative License”
Swing Says:
Wednesday, April 30, 2008 @6:04:29 PM
Where can I apply for one of these Creative Licenses
Play Happy
janepaints Says:
Wednesday, May 21, 2008 @3:11:04 AM
Hiya Swing. Sorry it's taken so long to reply. Busking Season has started and also I've been online less due to 'real world' needs (aka $$$ realities requiring lotsa running hither & yon). Hee hee. My 'Creative License' was gotten by filling out an 'Extraterrestial Census Form' in the back of an interesting little book called 'E.T. 101'. I stumbled across the book in the mid 90's and enjoyed it. The 'Census Form' was in the book and it said 'fill this out and mail to such-and-such address.' A few weeks later my Creative License arrived in the mail! It's been in my purse ever since. It describes me as well as any 'legit' ID papers I have!.... ya know? Even tho my residence at the time was in NEWTOWN, not 'newton.' Oh well, I guess the ET's make typos, same as earthlings. The 'ET 101' book can be read on-line, go here: http://www.soulwise.net/et-101.htm
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