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Ozarkian DL |
Where I Used To Go
Ozarkian DL Says:
Wednesday, August 18, 2010 @11:34:23 AM
Better'n tha one we had. Ours wus a one-holer with wasper nest in one corner and mud-dobber nest in tha other. We did do recycling of tha last years "Sears" catolog tho. :-)
john timpany Says:
Wednesday, August 18, 2010 @2:40:03 PM
Doyle, you crease me! You just have a way.
My day, most 'out towners' had one of these and told everybody it was to help the "roses" grow.
(Guess it's because you might not like to think of their 'doings' all over the spuds.
Still, the spuds tasted good, along with the greens and carrots, and that's what I thought about when I sat there on a frosty November morning with a handfull of yesterdays newspaper torn into scraps.
Life just got more complicated from there on in.
eerohero Says:
Sunday, August 22, 2010 @11:46:22 AM
We have a movie in Sweden called (Emil in Lonneberga), where this Young Rascal locked his Father in Out House.
Yes, life was`nt so complicated back then, actually, we could sing a Tune, while visiting the place, doing that today, would give you a ticket for sure
richdissmore Says:
Friday, January 28, 2011 @12:24:11 PM
old guy that went to sears to buy T.P.the clerk said you can,t order any TP. with out a cattalog the old guy said if en i had a cattlog i woun,t have need for any TP we went to visit kin up north we used them
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