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eerohero |
A short break while touring all over Scandinavia
6 comments on “On Tour in Scandinavia”
mudbug Says:
Monday, February 8, 2010 @4:40:01 PM
Great pic!
eerohero Says:
Wednesday, February 10, 2010 @1:51:59 PM
Theres a hilarious story about this photo, newspaper folks were chasing Us all the time, because we had that " hunger for entertaining", so they wrote that "These guys are mastering all kinds music styles, pro players from top to toe"
Only our mothers knew the truth.
the truth was that we had only five songs in our pockets, no more, no less, and all five songs were from different music styles, if they only knew......
We were Rookies az any, yet tingle in our eyes, and , Big Big Hearts, they bought it with smilings on their faces.
Development of the Humour part became our Joy and pleasure....
Actually, thats all an entertainer needs out there, the rest is just a plus.
Irish Violin Says:
Monday, February 22, 2010 @12:56:38 AM
That's amusing, only 5 songs??? I'm guessing you have more than 5 songs in your repetoire now. It is an excellent photo.
eerohero Says:
Thursday, February 25, 2010 @9:34:48 AM
Sorry to say, but we are`nt playing together anymore, only occasionally.
I have another group today, banjo, me on the fiddle/guitar and 4 part harmony singings. We are hungry to get out in the world and entertain,
singing our hearts out, and uppcoming Jamming opportunities with other players just tickles our minds.
tsaimichael Says:
Tuesday, March 9, 2010 @5:23:52 PM
That is a great story eerohero. Would love to hear you guys play!
eerohero Says:
Wednesday, March 10, 2010 @9:22:32 AM
Thank You Fisherman/Fiddler, tsaimichael, you will hear Us singing and play, we have plannings to make a trip to US and just love to Jam with you guys out there, just tickles our senses....
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