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DougD replied to topic 'Best clip on tuner for fiddle?' 2 hrs
DougD replied to topic 'Best clip on tuner for fiddle?' 3 hrs
DougD replied to topic 'Play Fly Around Pretty Little Miss in D from Emmett Lundy (?)' 2 days
DougD replied to topic 'My Pet Peeve Tunes' 3 days
DougD replied to topic 'Fretful1 markers?' 3 days
DougD replied to topic 'Play Fly Around Pretty Little Miss in D from Emmett Lundy (?)' 4 days
DougD replied to topic ' Hurricane Helene ' 4 days
DougD replied to topic 'Play Fly Around Pretty Little Miss in D from Emmett Lundy (?)' 4 days
DougD replied to topic ' Hurricane Helene ' 4 days
DougD replied to topic ' Hurricane Helene ' 4 days
DougD replied to topic 'What tunes you playing today ' 7 days
DougD replied to topic 'Play Fly Around Pretty Little Miss in D from Emmett Lundy (?)' 8 days
DougD replied to topic 'Play Fly Around Pretty Little Miss in D from Emmett Lundy (?)' 8 days
DougD replied to topic 'String color ID ' 9 days
Playing Since: 2003
Experience Level: Novice
[Teaching] [Jamming] [Socializing] [Helping]
Occupation: Recruitment Communications Manager
Gender: Male
Age: 50
My Instruments:
Gliga, No Label
Favorite Bands/Musicians:
Lots of everything.
Classified Rating: (0)
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Profile Info:
Visible to: Public
Created 6/25/2007
Last Visit 12/24/2014
After a long hiatus I'm trying again...
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'R.I.P. Red Lamb' 17 hrs
'Pigeon the Gate - slow' 1 day
'Sound post post' 1 day
'78 RPM record collection' 2 days
'Rope binding' 2 days