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Conrad |
Conrad has 4 friends.
fiddlepogo |
alaskafiddler |
Skookum |
UsuallyPickin |
UsuallyPickin replied to topic 'Bobby Hicks Teaches Fiddling' 9 hrs
UsuallyPickin replied to topic 'Best clip on tuner for fiddle?' 5 days
UsuallyPickin replied to topic 'String question' 21 days
alaskafiddler replied to topic 'Playing when you've had a little too much' 33 days
alaskafiddler replied to topic 'Wrist/hand injury...how long did it take you to play again?' 36 days
alaskafiddler replied to topic 'DPA 4099 users - a question' 40 days
alaskafiddler replied to topic 'How to develop energy in you fiddling??' 41 days
UsuallyPickin replied to topic 'How to develop energy in you fiddling??' 41 days
alaskafiddler replied to topic 'My tips..' 44 days
alaskafiddler replied to topic 'Different ways of holding/hypermobility/chest fiddle' 60 days
alaskafiddler replied to topic 'Different ways of holding/hypermobility/chest fiddle' 60 days
alaskafiddler replied to topic 'Banks of the Arkansas' 68 days
UsuallyPickin replied to topic 'Tell about the latest fiddle stuff you bought' 71 days
UsuallyPickin replied to topic 'Would you change a string just because you want a slightly different sound?' 79 days
alaskafiddler replied to topic 'It's just that Simple (making a loop)' 80 days
Playing Since: 2012
Experience Level: Novice
[Teaching] [Jamming] [Socializing] [Helping]
Gender: Male
My Instruments:
violin, fiddle, cornet (formerly)
Classified Rating: (0)
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Visible to: Public
Created 3/16/2014
Last Visit 10/12/2023
Newest Posts
'James Price RIP' 7 hrs
'Chin rest vs chest rest' 3 days
'Bergonzi' 4 days
'Done Gone - Jesse Milnes' 4 days
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