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Tom English - Posted - 04/12/2023: 07:56:14
Can anyone advise me on fiddle neck straps? I've seen one on YouTube instruction videos that looks like it simply goes around the neck like a lanyard and seems to attache to the rear of the instrument. I've not found this simple version beinf sold online.
The Violin Beautiful - Posted - 04/12/2023: 10:33:39
Originally posted by Tom EnglishCan anyone advise me on fiddle neck straps? I've seen one on YouTube instruction videos that looks like it simply goes around the neck like a lanyard and seems to attache to the rear of the instrument. I've not found this simple version beinf sold online.
The link above will take you to a company that makes straps for violins. If you have a physical limitation that's preventing a normal posture, you may need something more tailored to your personal needs, though.