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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: This must be the best YouTube lesson I have seen so far!

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Quincy - Posted - 02/22/2023:  23:01:54

I cannot believe this, all of the magic regarding space between fingers and reading scales revealed in one video.

I am convinced that once I have practised enough along with this lady I will have a far better understanding of how to use scales AND read sheet music.

TOP video! Since I am a very visual learner these illustrations of the finger spacing and the written melodies were very helpful.

Edited by - Quincy on 02/22/2023 23:03:37

crunchie812 - Posted - 02/23/2023:  07:29:47

Very good introduction to scale practice. Combine that with this excerpt from Gordon Stobbes DVD "12 Things Your Right Hand Should Know" Gordon goes through basic bowing patterns on the D scale. Have fun!

mmuussiiccaall - Posted - 02/23/2023:  08:59:17

Here's a visual in numbers, I never think in steps language. For example if you put your finger down anywhere on the fingerboard at a random spot you won't know where you are in the step, half step language. Also it won't tell you the function of the interval you are playing (3rd major, b3 minor etc.) Just notice that 3,4 and 7,1 are close (half steps) and all the rest are whole steps 1,2 2,3 4,5 5,6 6,7.
Also look for this sequence in order to cross, low pitch too high, adjacent strings / 4152637 \ just reverse for high pitch to low.

crunchie812 - Posted - 02/25/2023:  08:31:56


Originally posted by mmuussiiccaall

Here's a visual in numbers, I never think in steps language. For example if you put your finger down anywhere on the fingerboard at a random spot you won't know where you are in the step, half step language. Also it won't tell you the function of the interval you are playing (3rd major, b3 minor etc.) Just notice that 3,4 and 7,1 are close (half steps) and all the rest are whole steps 1,2 2,3 4,5 5,6 6,7.

Also look for this sequence in order to cross, low pitch too high, adjacent strings / 4152637 \ just reverse for high pitch to low.

Mandolin players tend to think frets. Most available written music for guitar, mandolin, etc. is in tab format, which is superior for close chords which are difficult to figure out quickly in standard notation, and more easily illustrate some of the picking patterns used. OTOH, most fiddle music is in standard notation (unless the source is one of the mandolin sites). I can learn a tune from a fiddle/mandolin tab, but for me it's a lot more difficult than the same thing in standard notation. Maybe my old brain is just stuck in a rut? Looking at your charts just kind of made my head hurt for a bit, but the information is all there, just not in a format I'm comfortable with for fiddle. One thing I do think I would prefer tab format on fiddle is tunes played in non standard tuning but I haven't really given it a try. 

vagabond - Posted - 02/28/2023:  03:23:15

This is excellent. The WWHWWWH is something I learned on guitar that has been very helpful.

wilford - Posted - 07/16/2023:  15:10:20

For a major scale it's easy to remember this saying: "Two holes and a half, Three holes and a half".

DougD - Posted - 07/16/2023:  15:47:24

Good to hear from you Fred. I've been wondering how you were doing.

wilford - Posted - 07/16/2023:  15:58:37

Hi Doug: Thanks for asking. I've been off line pretty much for the last 7 months or so with yet another bout of cancer. Finally got it in remission for another time.

Today is my first time back on this site and I am very happy to be here again.
I look forward to our upcoming conversations and hope this text finds you in good health.

groundhogpeggy - Posted - 07/17/2023:  19:18:08

Welcome back, Fred!

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