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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Adding Another Forum

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Dick Hauser - Posted - 11/07/2019:  15:02:48

The Banjo Hangout has a forum of two specifically for "old time" banjo. I think having separate forums for several different fiddling styles might help. Having a single forum for all styles leads to problems. Maybe forums for "old time", "celtic", "jazz", "bluegrass". "Canadian and "other". Fiddlers post something while thinking about the style they play. But the person reading the post may not realize that and misinterpret the content of the original posting. In the past this has created problems. At the present time, "old time" fiddlers seem to be the most active.

I started out learning an assortment of tunes from fiddle instructionals. I don't know what fiddling category I would fit in.

fiddlinsteudel - Posted - 11/07/2019:  15:14:32

I don't feel like there are enough other types of fiddlers represented to make splitting up into different styles a good idea, I feel like it would end up being a bunch of dead forums ...

mackeagan - Posted - 11/07/2019:  15:41:14

Didn't there used to be separate "forums" for each genre on here? I don't remember the change or the rationale for it, but I'm guessing it was done to streamline the Hangout. I do remember the Jazz Fiddle forum here had like 2 posts per year(the Djangobooks jazz forum has similar low responses, but they still have a separate column for violins).

DougD - Posted - 11/07/2019:  15:42:29

If I could "like" Mark's post twice I would.

DougD - Posted - 11/07/2019:  15:44:38

Tommy - I don't think there were ever separate forums here, but my memory could be faulty.

rosinhead - Posted - 11/07/2019:  15:52:26

Indeed a nice idea. I think it works at the BHO because they have a significantly larger member base. For instance...right now there are 82 people browsing on the FHO vs 642 on the BHO. If we had those kind of numbers I think it could work here. Like Mark said already...there just isn't enough diversity here to warrant it at this point. I'll see some people post questions pertaining to something outside of old-time and sometimes they go completely unanswered can literally hear the crickets chirping.

Lonesome Fiddler - Posted - 11/07/2019:  16:18:34

I'm fine with a catch-all fiddle forum. I'm not beholden to any particular genre or style. If I see a thread that might be fun or enlightening I just click on it. It doesn't hurt that fiddling is a small enough genre in itself to keep the website from ever getting crowded or difficult to navigate.

UsuallyPickin - Posted - 11/08/2019:  07:35:14

Also, While I am primarily a 'grass fiddler I enjoy and learn from the OT folks commentaries and videos and any swing or jazz as well. The current format allows for a relaxed perusal of all entries without hunting and pecking through several folders. Simple works. R/

martynspeck - Posted - 11/08/2019:  09:48:37


Originally posted by DougD

Tommy - I don't think there were ever separate forums here, but my memory could be faulty.

We do have groups but I don't know if any are particularly active.

fiddlinsteudel - Posted - 11/08/2019:  10:00:26

Yeah not very active ...

mackeagan - Posted - 11/08/2019:  10:08:33

All right, there we go--just look for Groups, and browse around. My memory of was the Groups used to be easier to find in the sidebar menu? The Jazz Violin Group has 13 members, no new posts in 7 years. Maybe we're too busy fiddling to post?

Earworm - Posted - 11/09/2019:  07:20:23

So Dick Hauser , are you feeling like your questions are not being addressed? It does seem to me that more compartmentalizing will not really help this group. But if you feel like your question is a from a little different angle, just ask anyway. At least around here (in real life), OT fiddlers are used to being the odd ones out, so it feels a little unusual to me to be in the "majority" here, or pretty much anywhere.

Old Scratch - Posted - 11/09/2019:  08:14:57

I've been on here for awhile now - and I've just learned of the existence of 'groups' from this thread - so, yeah, they weren't obvious to me at least.

harpon - Posted - 11/09/2019:  14:53:54

I don't think internet Forums are what they were a decade a go or even half a decade- I think the prolifferation of the smartphone has reduced a lot a forum participation. There aren't as many people and they aren't as infatuated with the net as they might have once been. But good luck shutting ME up! Facebook and Twitter draw people away from real forums too.

Anyway, I'm always telling myself to cut down on the forums and practice more.

farmerjones - Posted - 11/09/2019:  15:11:34

The problem i see with an Old Time specific area, is which of the 87 types of Old Time are you talking about?

RB-1 - Posted - 10/02/2020:  02:48:51


Originally posted by farmerjones

The problem i see with an Old Time specific area, is which of the 87 types of Old Time are you talking about?

All of them.... wink

But seriously, it feels very user-unfriendly having to dig through hundreds (wink) of OT postings before finally finding something that answers what I'd been looking for.

I, for me, would welcome a clearly defined Bluegrass (all 110 types wink) section.

The same sort of courtesy, as when sparing OT banjoplayers suffering from this time wasting process, instead of having them wading through vast heaps of our Bluegrass stuff on the BHO...

So, Bluegrass fiddle? Yes, please.smiley


Brian Wood - Posted - 10/02/2020:  07:40:25

There's seldom enough activity on the forum for more categories to be useful, but I see the point for searching back through archives. To search Fiddle Hangout I find it's easier to use Google with Fiddle Hangout as part of the query.

bsed - Posted - 10/02/2020:  14:59:09

I subscribe to Fiddler Magazine. Even though I play mostly OT and some Irish, I love to read about other styles. Sometimes I learn something I can use in my own playing. If I ONLY (I AM YELLING  smiley) cared about OT, I wouldn't waste my money on the magazine.

TuneWeaver - Posted - 10/04/2020:  14:02:16


Originally posted by bsed

I subscribe to Fiddler Magazine. Even though I play mostly OT and some Irish, I love to read about other styles. Sometimes I learn something I can use in my own playing. If I ONLY (I AM YELLING  smiley) cared about OT, I wouldn't waste my money on the magazine.

FUNNY, BRUCE.. (not yelling!!!!)...laugh

bsed - Posted - 10/04/2020:  18:27:18


RB-1 - Posted - 10/09/2020:  14:05:05

So all in all, the only thing left would be starting a Bluegrass group?

As a separate forum, in spite of being only one  (ok., two)  mouse click away, would be too much effort apparently?

The amount of traffic to a specific Bluegrass forum is only of interest to it's users. Even if there are only 3 postings each month, at least anyone looking for info on Bluegrass fiddle can find them, without having to filter through a hundred postings that contain nothing useful to them.

I fail to understand  why oldtimers would oppose this, unless they think this is highly logical and therefore a brilliant Idea.

Not having at least a Jazz or Bluegrass and maybe even a Cajun forum comes across as illogical to me.

Please, HELP!

P.S., I don't do either big G or FaceB.




Flat_the_3rd_n7th - Posted - 10/09/2020:  18:02:08


Originally posted by RB-1

So all in all, the only thing left would be starting a Bluegrass group?

As a separate forum, in spite of being only one  (ok., two)  mouse click away, would be too much effort apparently?

The amount of traffic to a specific Bluegrass forum is only of interest to it's users. Even if there are only 3 postings each month, at least anyone looking for info on Bluegrass fiddle can find them, without having to filter through a hundred postings that contain nothing useful to them.

I fail to understand  why oldtimers would oppose this, unless they think this is highly logical and therefore a brilliant Idea.

Not having at least a Jazz or Bluegrass and maybe even a Cajun forum comes across as illogical to me.

Please, HELP!

P.S., I don't do either big G or FaceB.




There's "Forums"--"Groups" where one could make up a BG-centric thing, but unless it's on the home page no one will know to go there.  It would need to be a site redesign.

But one thing I learned in the .mil, you never complain--if you do, you suddenly become the project officer for the change.

HOWEVER, I would enjoy a BG section--that is mostly (along with classic country) what I play with others.

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