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Please note this is an archived topic, so it is locked and unable to be replied to. You may, however, start a new topic and refer to this topic with a link: http://www.fiddlehangout.com/archive/49458
Duckinacup - Posted - 06/11/2018: 05:49:42
Posting a new topic so someone else's doesn't head off in a different direction from his original post. I discovered MuseScore score writing software via that.
After reading about the software, I noticed there is a suggested instruction guide, Mastering MuseScore by Marc Sabatella, Would love to read some comments concerning the manual if anyone has purchased it in either print or Kindle edition.
Brian Wood - Posted - 06/11/2018: 15:53:14
I never wanted to spend the money on the book. There is a learning curve for sure, but every time I have a question I just google it. I don't rarel even look at the regular users guide. Google will bring up answers and/or videos
BanjoBrad - Posted - 11/07/2018: 09:23:54
This is one of my peeves with the software industry these days. I came to computers via the Altair 8801 & CP/M operating system.
I taught myself, through manuals provided by the writers of the program with the program! Hardcopy, dead tree books. Trying to use on-line or in-program "help files" while working within the program does not allow me to put the book in front of me and refer to it.
Oh, and what would I have to read while on the can?
Edited by - BanjoBrad on 11/07/2018 09:24:25
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