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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Dave Dalton's Rose of Sharon (and Me)

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Percy - Posted - 06/11/2008:  05:12:42

I tried something different when recording this morning -- I wore the headphone ONLY on my right ear... letting me hear my fiddle naturally in my left ear. It felt more natural -- and I was able to connect with the fiddle much better. I think this may be closer to the way I really play. There are still issues, but it's not as pathetic as that last attempt!

Carol (Percy)

Get busy living, or get busy dying.

RobBob - Posted - 06/13/2008:  09:43:54

I have done that in less spophisticated recording situations where perhaps you are playing live with others or dubbing over existing tracks.

I was luck enough to record in one of the best studios last year and the headphone set up let you mix the other players, who were in other rooms and out of sight while playing along with them. The use of a click track is helpful in these situations.

All in all, it is very important to be able to hear everything that is going on.

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