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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: I've posted three tunes

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Humbled by this instrument - Posted - 02/25/2008:  18:42:41

On my home page I've posted "Fisher's Hornpipe," "Loch Lomand Castle," and "Pachelbell's Cannon Indeed." I have eight tracks when I record, so I used three fiddles for the Pachelbell thing (it was fun). So blast away. Let me know how I can improve, etc. Thanks,


"Play loud!" My former fiddle teacher barked when I asked him how I could improve my tone.

loy - Posted - 02/26/2008:  08:18:13

You are getting there Curt esp. liked PCI, also I like the tone of your Silver Creek fiddle. I had a chance to buy one not long ago but didnt get my tale in gear and lost it to another buyer, I have heard it played several times since and I really am kickin myself ,snooze ya lose! Loy

fiddle and clawhammer banjo:priceless

Humbled by this instrument - Posted - 02/26/2008:  09:48:09

Thanks for listening, Loy. The Silver Creek I bought off Amazon from Musician's Friend. I just decided to take a chance. I liked the tone so much that I bought a second, which also has a great tone (I think), so I could take one camping, etc.--and, yes, I don't need pepper spray for the bears as I'm armed with me fiddle! Anyway, since purchasing these two, I've gone to various music stores in the area and played the expensive ones; I'll go into a lesson room and bring my Silver Creek in and play it alongside the $1,500.00 plus ones, and thus far every time I've chosen my inexpensive Silver Creek. Moreover, I've been blessed by having two of the finest fiddlers in the area jam with me, and give me lessons, and both have played at length on the Silver Creek and given it the okay, one in fact usurping it for a few hours as he liked it so much! Both my fiddles are 2004 models. Thanks,


"Play loud!" My former fiddle teacher barked when I asked him how I could improve my tone.

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