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Here is the story to start it all.
We went to visit my 9 year old grandson and his mother said, "Harry, tell Papa Lee about your super power.".. Ok, I'm thinking he can run faster or jump higher that the other kids in his class.. but NO...He said, "I can see colors when I hear music!".....(synesthesia).... Apparently he has had this ability for several years but only recently realized that other people don't normally see color when they hear music..!! Until now he thought that everybody was doing this..So, now it is his "super power"..
According to stuff I read, seems that maybe 2-4 percent of people have Some degree of this.. We have one friend who has a debilitating degree of it such that he has to wear sound deadening earphones and has actually received a disability and can't function in society..!!! Fortunately, my grandson does not have such a degree of it.. It is very interesting...
Do you have some Synesthesia?
As for MY super powers, I have two.. One, I can always tell if a politician is "spinning'' a topic verses telling the truth and TWO, I have the ability to wake up...from being awake!!! (figure that one out!!)
What is Your super power?
Edited by - TuneWeaver on 12/15/2024 17:18:12
An enthousiasm beyond all credibility Lee. It's called euphoria and it is part of my disorder. I like to have this disorder, I could not exist without it. It is a tiny little part of me. Ofcourse the extended version of me is for my IRL friends haha. I am actually on permanent meds (just one product to temper it) to make me not lose my mind because of this ...een euforische stemming we call it in Dutch and guess what : what you English speakers call 'mood' (stemming in Dutch) actually would literally translate as 'tuning'. LOL.
Ik stem mijn instrument = I tune my instrument. For real.
Edited by - Quincy on 12/15/2024 18:22:40
Originally posted by QuincyAn enthousiasm beyond all credibility Lee. It's called euphoria and it is part of my disorder. I like to have this disorder, I could not exist without it. It is a tiny little part of me. Ofcourse the extended version of me is for my IRL friends haha. I am actually on permanent meds (just one product to temper it) to make me not lose my mind because of this ...een euforische stemming we call it in Dutch and guess what : what you English speakers call 'mood' (stemming in Dutch) actually would literally translate as 'tuning'. LOL.
Ik stem mijn instrument = I tune my instrument. For real.
Are you saying that YOU can see color when you hear music?
Originally posted by TuneWeaverquote:
Originally posted by QuincyAn enthousiasm beyond all credibility Lee. It's called euphoria and it is part of my disorder. I like to have this disorder, I could not exist without it. It is a tiny little part of me. Ofcourse the extended version of me is for my IRL friends haha. I am actually on permanent meds (just one product to temper it) to make me not lose my mind because of this ...een euforische stemming we call it in Dutch and guess what : what you English speakers call 'mood' (stemming in Dutch) actually would literally translate as 'tuning'. LOL.
Ik stem mijn instrument = I tune my instrument. For real.
Are you saying that YOU can see color when you hear music?
Negative, I don't see colours when I hear music :-)) We are all alike but not one of us is the same <3
Chicken man, my husband is gifted with untangling the worst tangles too...lol. Fortunately for me, because over the past couple of years of being in a position of spending a lot more time with him, and being quiet...I've taken up the yarn addictions, and I've noticed you can stack or pile up skeins of yarn neatly, walk away, come back in a few days and they have secretly entangled themselves into a big knotty mess. Hubby enjoys unraveling...I sure don't...lol. It's a skill I admire greatly.
Anja, I hear ya. Maybe I've got something similar...I don't know. I've always been so hyper I just have to be doing something...not just anything, but something I can throw myself into with wild and crazy enthusiasm. I woulda thought at my workplace people would like that, but I think it was actually annoying to them because in the process of my fervently accomplishing tasks, it actually created backlogs for the normal people who were in line to begin their tasks after mine were finished...lol. I guess I sorta understand that now, but when I was working, it seemed crazy to me that people seemed annoyed because I worked like a total mad dog, or mad groundhog or something. But I couldn't help it...I have to throw myself at something all the time or I'll go crazy. I don't know the meaning of the word, RELAX...lol. I wish I could do that.
Lee, I've mentioned this before here I think. But I taste music...like eating food...I have musical flavors I sense when I hear, but mainly when I play. Playing music for me is sort of a special, calorie free treat! The music I love to play most is sort of a pleasant vanilla taste...but if I sing harmonies on the presonus I get an aged, high-class cheese-on-a-fancy cracker taste. I started tasting music as far back as I can remember around age 3, when our church had singing for us little 'uns while the others were in the preaching. I remember just singing away and just smacking my lips with all the vanilla of the hymns. To this day...I love hymns, although I have since quit the church and all that. I remember saying to the other kids when the grownups told what song we would sing next..."Oh good, I love that song because it tastes so good!" At one point I began to realize other people had this as yet another of the many reasons to consider me just flatout weird...lol...so I just sorta shut up about it for decades. Now I'm ready to come out of the closet...I taste music...I drink it and eat it and consider it a calorie free snack! Yes, I'm weird...I DO THAT! Too bad I can't now...taking care of hubby gives me virtually no time to play any music. So I have to eat real ice cream and real cheeses...they are full of calories.
But I've heard of people seeing colors with music...I never have. Although I do see colors for days of the week. Anybody do that weird thing? Not every day... Sunday is black, Tuesday bright yellow, Wednesday dark blue, Friday bright red, and Saturday blue...Monday and Thursdays do not have colors for me...lol. That's weird, ain't it? I guess it's ok to be weird now...I'm old and don't know any live people anymore, so who cares at this point.
I have a client who hears music when she looks at colors! (colored gemstone dealer / jewelry designer)
The “untangling” superpower sure seems like a handy one to have!
I love people with energy...I need more of it...
I dunno if it’s a superpower, but I am good at visual/spatial organization - I guess that’s why I am good at design work (my day job). Side benefit is that I can pack a car trunk down to an inch, just look at things and know if they will fit…like nobody believes me, but when they just try putting it in, it actually fits - LOL.
Edited by - NCnotes on 12/16/2024 11:00:21
Peggy, there is a lot on Wikipedia about synesthesia..it is not just about sound/color... Smell can be part of it. Check it out:
Originally posted by TuneWeaverI love the people who have the super power of perfect pitch...! I am eternally out of tune..and often can't tell. Is that what is called a super Curse?
The person I know has perfect equal temperment pitch, in that she can recognize piano notes with their unpleasant thirds etc. Coincidentally, she has a hard time singing harmony. Voices naturally alter the temperament to sweeten the harmonies (like a string quartet does) and she can't do that, always gravitating to the root or octave or will be ever so slightly out of the sweet spot. I call that a curse.
I also call being able to recognize when someone you're singing with is ever so slightly out of the sweet spot a curse of its own.
Edited by - ChickenMan on 12/16/2024 15:43:14
Originally posted by pete_fiddlei opened the door on a very crowded tap room once, and knocked a pint off of the bar with my right elbow. My super power took over, and i caught it behind my back with my left hand and put it back on the bar! ....Without spilling any beer .....True!
You don't know your super powers until you need em
You may have gone from super power to Preternatural power!!!
I can make any sports team lose if I root for them. My college, pro, local high school, whatever.
No kidding--I'm not allowed to view my team's victory on TV. I can walk into the room and the play immediately goes awry. Walk out, and they come back. If my team makes it to a championship due to my absence, I must go to bed early if I want them to win in the championship.
I wish I knew how to extort profit from the teams I follow. I suppose I would need to provide proof.
Edited by - Flat_the_3rd_n7th on 12/16/2024 16:34:22
Originally posted by Flat_the_3rd_n7thI can make any sports team lose if I root for them. My college, pro, local high school, whatever.
No kidding--I'm not allowed to view my team's victory on TV. I can walk into the room and the play immediately goes awry. Walk out, and they come back. If my team makes it to a championship due to my absence, I must go to bed early if I want them to win in the championship.
I wish I knew how to extort profit from the teams I follow. I suppose I would need to provide proof.
I can also make the price of gold plummet if I bought some. So I don't. Y'all are welcome.
We'll see if buying this snow plow, staves off snow in my region for a few years.
Originally posted by farmerjonesOh, and even the most feral cat, will come to me. If I have the time, said feral cat, will end up on my lap. DW thinks it's a curse, but I nearly prefer cats to humans.
Same. Also any cat that my friends say will not come out because it doesn't like people. Most recently is a cat at our uke practicing place. She came out randomly and crawled in my lap while we were in between songs. She didn't stay long but has spent more and more time with me each practice.
Originally posted by Flat_the_3rd_n7thI can make any sports team lose if I root for them. My college, pro, local high school, whatever.
No kidding--I'm not allowed to view my team's victory on TV. I can walk into the room and the play immediately goes awry. Walk out, and they come back. If my team makes it to a championship due to my absence, I must go to bed early if I want them to win in the championship.
I wish I knew how to extort profit from the teams I follow. I suppose I would need to provide proof.
You haven't been watching Manchester City soccer games have you? Asking for a friend
Edited by - ChickenMan on 12/16/2024 19:06:29
A lot of folks with perfect pitch hate it. And having it really does not help playing the fiddle, as I;ve read.
I have ungodly quick reflexes which used to come in handy when I hunted snakes in upstate NY in my younger days. My bro and I had a huge snake collection, over 100, with all sorts of exotic ones. Rattlesnakes, pythons, boas, even a African Egg eating snake. I was able to catch all by hand except for this Puerto Rican Tree Boa. Tree boas have extra fast strike speed, needed to catch birds, their primary food. And while Boas do not have poisonous fangs, Tree Boas have elongated front fangs, to get below feathers during the strike. We would get drunk and take out various snakes and try and catch them by hand, just SNAP and pin them by the head. That Tree Boa always won. I'd wake up the next morning, hung over, with slices all over my hand; "We musta been messing with the PR Boa last nite!".
That quick reaction time does come in handy playing fiddle, though.
Superpower? Nah, just synapses.
I too have the 'cat magnet' thing going on. I really can;t stand cats (sorry feline lovers); besides being highly allergic, not a fan of their personalities. BUT, invariably, any cat in a house winds up sleeping on my jacket or jumping into my lap. This is a great source of amusement to friends and family.
Edited by - wrench13 on 12/17/2024 04:26:05
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