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If you Google "vocal eliminator software" you'll find lots, plus many DAWS and other audio programs can do this.
I think most work by basically reversing the polarity of one stereo channel, which will reduce anything that's equally present in both channels (most lead vocals are centered). I've never tried it, but how well this works depends on how the track is mixed, and may not work at all with a monaural recording like those classic Bluegrass tracks. Karaoke apps do this all the time, I think.
Edited by - DougD on 11/16/2024 14:28:29
Farmerjones - I think Richard is just trying better to hear what Chubby Wise was playing on those classic recordings - I don't think he cares what some modern automaton might play, or what he himself might come up with.
Richard - I've listened to those records a lot, and it was one of the ways I learned how a good band works. If the vocal eliminatirs don't work I'd suggest getting a good pair of headphones, if you don't already have some, and just try to focus in on the fiddle parts.
Not that it matters, but all those great recordings were made in just four days - September 16th and 17th, 1946, and October 27th and 28th, 1947. All recorded at WBBM, the CBS radio station in Chicago, and all produced by Art Satherley, who was English by birth. Thanks to Praguefrank's amazing discography for the info.
Edited by - DougD on 11/16/2024 20:03:20
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