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Oh boy...took my grandson to hook it up because I was just scared it was gonna be days of struggle...so he did it in 15 minutes. Then finally I had a few minutes to check it out and try it. It was very fumbly...I couldn't figure out how to find my start and end flags or how to place them...then...for whatever reason, which I never figured out, my headphones allowed me to hear only the playback of tracks already recorded...so I skpped the usual scratchtrack that guides me along... Of course I guess I could've done it and heard it on later tracks...but it just threw me to not hear what I was doing along the other tracks...so...that was weird and I really need to figure that one out one of these days. But anyway, I did manage to get a fiddle (GDGD), guitar and banjo on there...I really do not know this tune, so I'm pretty sure I'm playing it all wrong...but it was something to try really quick with everything being new and strange...lol...why not play a new (to me) and strange tune to go with it? Anyway, I forgot to say on the youtube description that we saw the beautiful crepuscular rays as the morning fog descended on us during our walk this morning...had to try to get some photos. We were so early we caught sight of the raccoon mothers and teenie-bopper raccoons starting up the trees to get to bed, but they got scared scurried away when I got my phone ready to snap some shots...so unfortunately I wasn't able to capture them climbing up and peeking with one eye around the side of the tree trunks. Anyhow...here's what I was able to get together on my new setup...Grasshopper Sittin' on a Sweet Tater Vine.
Edited by - groundhogpeggy on 07/07/2024 19:13:04
Steve may sing it for you, but Riley Puckett beat him to it by almost 100 years: youtu.be/RpZ8umpz42c?feature=shared A classic.
Clayton McMichen, who was not too generous in praising others, said in a later intervew that "it was Riley's singing that sold the records."
Your tune sounds more like "Battle Hymn of the Republic," aka "Hang John Brown from a Sour Apple Tree."
Edited by - DougD on 07/08/2024 02:40:56
Doug, exactly why I' ve never really listened to the tune or tried to play it...to me it's just Glory, Glory Hallelujah...lol. I can't seem to hear it much different let alone play it different than that one.
Loy, I'm not familiar with it either...it got stuck in my head after another FHO friend was playing it very nicely and talking about it quite a bit. I wish I could play it more like he did. But anyway...got my freshly brewed cup raised to ya here...have a great day, my friend.