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If you play old-time with others and can read standard notation, I can't recommend Dan Levenson's new book too highly.
I have a lot of tune books, but often they have many tunes that people around here don't play. This book has 300 tunes, and a very high percentage are those played at local jams. The transcriptions are elegant and uncluttered. This is the old-time tune book I've been waiting for.
I guess this means it's no-kidding available!
I've had a pre-print of the book for a while, so I'm very familiar with it. It is indeed a great, accessible repertoire book. I play with Dan pretty regularly, so I understand the relationship of what's in the book to what he plays.
The tunes include chords. In part because Dan also plays banjo and guitar, he is really picky about chords!
I think the book should sell well, so I wish Dan lots of luck.
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