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Originally posted by TuneWeaverquote:
Originally posted by Lonesome Fiddlerquote:
Originally posted by TuneWeaverDocumentary/movie.. "Searching for Sugarman".. A work of fiction could never be as amazing as is this documentary. The protagonist recently passed away..
As for fictional movies.. " Young Frankenstein".. is FUNNY.. as is "Nothing But Trouble"....
Hey! Nothing But Trouble was one of my movies! I can't quite remember what I contributed to help it get made (other than telling the studio they ought to buy the property and film it), but it's a real treat to know that a fellow fiddler found fun in it.
Please elaborate upon your contribution to that great movie..!
I wish I could give you specifics on what I contributed to the film, but recent "updates" from Microsoft have made it impossible for this computer ignoramus to access the written reports (dubbed "coverage" in movie-speak) that I submitted to the bosses at the movie studio on it. It doesn't help that my coverage might either be on a CD or a floppy. Or that I read and made reports on a good couple thousand movie scripts, novels, "pitches," etc. in my 30 year+ career.
I also have to say that I got, yes, I took it on the chin pretty hard from all my buddies for daring to like the property...
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