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Genre: Scales/Exercises Difficulty: Beginner
Posted by LifesMiracle, updated: 8/26/2015
Download: TABLEDIT
Notes: Here's every 2 Octave Major scale and the famous Lester Flatt bluegrass lick in every key with backup music to play with. Master the first section in the key of A before moving to the A#/Bb section.
You will be moving up one key at a time using the same fingerings as the section before. When you start the scales beginning on the third string you need to do some maneuvering to play the 2 octave scale. To play a one octave scale start on any note on the fourth, third, or second strings and use the first half of the pattern for the A scale.
imapicker2 Says:
Monday, February 18, 2013 @2:10:31 PM
Thanks again!John. plenty to work on here.
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