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Like practicing the fiddle more consistently... it's helping to put me over the hump in adapting to Thumb on the Stick. I'm even getting more late night practice sessions in.
Electric guitar is getting more practice time too... had a breakthrough there too.
Drums started to get more time, but I had to back off... it was getting to be too much for one of the neighbors! But she said it sounds good! She is okay with 15 minute practice sessions spaced out quite a bit, and I've muted down the snare, which seems to be the bad boy with TWO sheets of computer paper, TWO plastic rings around the edge, and an old pillowcase spread over the top which means two layers of fabric.
I'm still not sure what I'm going to do about the computer... in a way, it's not just the power supply. Now that the computer is older, it means RAM for it is expensive. I really need at least 4 gigs to do videos on the computer... I've got a camera that will work, but the computer can either record sound OR video with the present 1.8 gigs of RAM, not both. So it might be cheaper to get a new-to-me used computer with the right amount of RAM than to get the current one a different power supply AND more RAM. But I need to get down to the computer recycling place to see what they can help me with, but I have 3 gigging days a week, and the two mostly days "off" tend to get gobbled up by other stuff.
There is a computer center in the lobby of our apartments, but it's only open 8 to 5 Monday through Friday IF the office is open. They will let me stay after 5:00 if I get there by 5:00, though, like I'm doing right now.
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