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Various Serendipitous Fiddle things and some not so Serendipitous ones...

Saturday, May 15, 2010 @11:09:41 PM

I had a crazy intuition to sand some on the ends of my main Knilling's bridge (Booker, the Romanian one)  in a certain way,  and lo and behold, it improved the tone quite a bit more that I would've thought the little bit of wood removed would accomplish.  It seems to have  a bit more midrange, but not too much, not so thin sounding.  The really great thing is that the fiddle sounds a lot better in the key of D now... before, it would sound quite good in G or A modal, but not so good in D or A.

And that wasn't good, since I know a lot of D tunes.

This has resulted in some long practice sessions with things sounding pretty good.

I tried to do the same thing to Stinky, and it seemed to help the problematic E string, but then I chipped out part of the bridge on the treble side, and it doesn't sound so good now.

I think maybe Stinky needs a new bridge AND a new soundpost- the soundpost has a chip out of it too!!!

Last week I substitute hosted someone else's jam (he had a gig) and it went well, but it felt a lot like one of my jams since mostly my people showed up!

Today was the Old Time jam, and it went pretty well, considering I was tired.  Part of it may have been I had a good warm-up practice session beforehand.

We even did more fiddle tunes than normal, which felt good for a change... more like an Old Time jam SHOULD!!!


Another serendipitous thing: a few days ago  I remembered a tune I'd heard years ago and was able to find the notes on the fiddle, but I didn't have a clue what the name of it was.

Then a very short time later, WoodshopFiddler responded to the previous blog entry (THANK YOU!!!) and suggested a website with "Southwest" tunes (Lamancusa's site, I think).  I went there, found other tunes besides Southwest tunes, and one of the first ones I click on was Leake County Two Step... bingo, that was the one I remembered.

That sure didn't take long!!!


A Cinco de Mayo gig of sorts....

Wednesday, May 5, 2010 @1:57:34 AM 4 comments

Various distractions, musical and otherwise.

Friday, April 2, 2010 @1:21:29 PM Add Comment

Recovering from the flu....

Wednesday, March 24, 2010 @4:44:51 PM 2 comments

2 St. Paddy's Day gigs and a Bluegrass slow jam!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010 @11:11:37 PM 2 comments

It's here!!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010 @12:27:53 PM 8 comments

Arggghhh!!! Waiting on delivery!!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010 @9:29:51 PM 5 comments

Did a deal on a fiddle...

Thursday, February 11, 2010 @10:00:37 AM 3 comments

Yet another gig with the new bow...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010 @9:41:58 PM 3 comments

Another gig with the new bow- successful!!!

Monday, January 18, 2010 @7:11:33 PM 3 comments

Another gig with the new bow

Monday, January 11, 2010 @6:50:05 PM 1 comment

New carbon-fiber bow is working out after all.

Monday, January 4, 2010 @11:09:38 PM 4 comments

The Ups and Downs of a New Bow- getting PICKY!!!!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009 @10:10:49 PM 8 comments
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