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So I've been working on this New Tune a Day project (http://newtuneaday.blogspot.com) since July 2011. My goal is to learn a new tune "pretty much" everyday (a.k.a. 4-5 a week). It has been a mind-blowingly awesome experience. Through NTAD I've met lots of cool folks all over the world through Fiddle Hangout, TradConnect, Youtube, blogger, and other online venues. I have exchanged music and tunes with fiddlers from Colombia, Sweden, France, Norway, Canada, and the UK, as well as some folks in Kuwait. It has been super fun, and such a cool escape from my normal life.
My normal life is as a full-time graduate student studying western water law in the United States, and I'm preparing my masters thesis now and getting ready to defend in April and graduate. It has been really, really, exhaustingly busy, but learning new tunes didn't seem like another cost on my time. It was like therapy.
So how to find time? I haven't quite mastered this but I like to learn a new tune in the evening after eating dinner. It's a nice way for me to clear my mind of all the worries I acquire throughout the day. I think if I were more ambitious, I'd get up early and practice and learn tunes in the morning, but realistically, that's never going to happen.
How do you find time? What do you do in real life when you're not fiddling?