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We're recovering!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

So now that most of Queensland has suffered a disaster in the form of floods and cyclones, and subsequent fighting with insurance companies, most of us are back on track.  The fortunate ones have a fiddle or a piano or other instrument to while away the time while there's no power and no water.

I still think I'm improving, though some days it seems that cat is back on it's deathbed.  I've almost mastered Turkey in the Straw, though it needs some speeding up.  I've found a US website with many resources, I've bought myself a couple of blues and jazz books to work on.  I've only bought ones which have accompaniment CDs, I find it really hard to learn a tune if I don't have it in my head, so the CDs are a blessing, especially with blues, the timing always gets me in a tizz, but if I can hear it first I master it quicker.  It seems that Australian prices are at least double, if not treble the US prices for the same thing, so now that the Aussie dollar is stronger, it's a good time to buy stuff.

I hope everyone is well and having a good time, I'll be able to get back into reading forums now that i"m back online.

Cheers all



It's wet !!!

Friday, January 14, 2011 Add Comment

Happy New Year

Saturday, January 8, 2011 4 comments

One month later ...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010 3 comments

Day 3

Monday, June 21, 2010 6 comments

My first day

Thursday, June 17, 2010 10 comments

Playing Since: 2010
Experience Level: Novice


Gender: Female
My Instruments:
Piano, Clarinet, Fiddle

Favorite Bands/Musicians:
Classical, Celtic

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Profile Info:
Visible to: Public
Created 6/17/2010
Last Visit 12/26/2015

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