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Jerry Byers

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Project Update 07/12/07

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Well, the top is off!

Steve confirmed that the tail block was split. He also undercovered some interesting repair work from the previous restoration. The construction originally was very good; however, the repairs in the past were a bit odd. The following items were noted:
  1. There was a badly repaired wing crack.
  2. The previous restoration used white glue on the split block.
  3. Some of the hide glue is really brittle.
  4. Maple slab reinforcement was used down the middle of the top.  6" x 1 1/8"   Not too thick really.  Not sure what it does.  Biggest problem with it is that the edge of it goes right where the sound post hits, making post fitting problematic at best.
  5. Heavy bass bar.  Nice wood, but both thick (7 mm v. 5.5 mm) and tall (15 mm) especially at the ends.
  6. Spit in the top near saddle. Glued with glop that doesn't seem to dissolve.
  7. Oddly shaped saddle - it was designed to split the top!
  8. Pegs are beyond useful life; need to install new set.
  9. Some scrapes and dings on the bottom and on one of the edges.
So, all in all, not too many things wrong and didn't sound like anything was really serious.

I'll keep you posted. Add Comment

My Fiddle Project

Tuesday, July 10, 2007 2 comments

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Playing Since: 2007
Experience Level: Just Startin'

Gender: Male
Age: 60

Favorite Bands/Musicians:
Sam Bush

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Profile Info:
Visible to: Public
Created 6/25/2007
Last Visit 12/23/2018

<p>I'm located near Washington, D.C., in Aldie, Virginia. I have been playing and enjoying music most of my life.</p> <p>My grandmother bought me my first guitar. My mom and her sister were both immersed with classical training. I remember spending the summers with my cousins and playing various instruments, including the piano and violin.</p> <p>I went on to play the trumpet in school; it was a good introduction musical theory and learning to read music. In college, I picked up a used saxophone and played it for about four years. After college, I picked up an electronic piano and played it off and on for about 10 years. Two years ago, I was introduced to the mandolin and have been playing it since.</p> <p>During most of my training on the mandolin, there were always references to techniques to emulate the sound of the fiddle - we even play 'fiddle' tunes. So, I decided to pick up the fiddle and give it a try. I'm fascinated by the complexity of this instrument and hope to become proficient with it.</p> <p>Jerry</p>

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