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774 links in the archive.
(report link) fiddlehub.com: Online fiddle lessons/slo-mo videos
(report link) Fiddling Demystified for Strings Summer Camp: Partial lesson from A Practical Guide for String Players
(report link) Introduction to the Fiddle: Music Lesson for Beginners: Video lesson series for the beginner.
(report link) Learning Violin with Ima: eLessons including posture, scales, bowing and sheet music.
(report link) Missouri Fiddling Learn-A-Tune Center: These tune pages consist of transcriptions of various Missouri-style fiddle tunes by Charlie "Possum" Walden.
(report link) Music Moose.org: Free online lessons for beginner, intermediate and advanced fiddlers. Plus, put in your two cents about fiddle lesson material.
(report link) Violin Online: Violin music and instruction for all ages.