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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: I tried uploading an MP3 file, but couldn't

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jonboat - Posted - 07/28/2023:  08:11:33

I have a tune that I like , but dont know the name of, I wanted to uploads it here, to see if anyone else could tell me the name, but this site doesn't seem to want me to upload the MP3

NCnotes - Posted - 07/28/2023:  08:28:00

Hmm, normally you would go to your profile, go to MEDIA (in list under your profile pic) and then click the red button +ADD MP3.

Then locate the file...(what error message is it giving before upload?)

Doublecheck file format (is it mp3, and not some other audio format such as .m4a or .wav or .aiff, those get rejected)

And maybe check size (is the file humongous for some reason?)...

Also I think we are not supposed to post copyrighted media here...(could it be flagging that? I don't know if FHO has that ability. )

Hope you can figure it out (tune name, too! :-)

Edited by - NCnotes on 07/28/2023 08:30:49

DougD - Posted - 07/28/2023:  08:51:27

I tried to upload an mp3 a few days ago and kept getting the error message that the file needed to be in mp3 format, which it was. This was after the upload appeared to proceed OK and no matter what mp3 parameters I used. I finally gave up.
Maybe you could try one, NCnotes.
As far as copyright, you can upload anything that's original, public domain, or published through one of the major rights organizations. I think the site has a blanket license.

Edited by - DougD on 07/28/2023 08:52:37

DougD - Posted - 07/28/2023:  10:32:04

I just tried again, and it hung on the first try but then was successful. So either I had a different problem, or its been fixed. Good luck. Look at the page with the required parameters and make sure your file meets them.

carlb - Posted - 07/28/2023:  12:31:13


Originally posted by jonboat

I have a tune that I like , but dont know the name of, I wanted to uploads it here, to see if anyone else could tell me the name, but this site doesn't seem to want me to upload the MP3

I don't know the tune, but I assume it's the one in your media file that was uploaded today.

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