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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Old keyboard mic found in shed

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pete_fiddle - Posted - 07/04/2023:  15:32:27

So i needed a keyboard, and plugged an old one in i found in the shed from the 90's ( PS2., EZ 1000). It had a mic on it so i tried it out .....laugh


ChickenMan - Posted - 07/04/2023:  19:10:35

Trim up that noise at the beginning and it sounds perfectly fine. Nice shed "find"

alaskafiddler - Posted - 07/04/2023:  23:02:21

Lot of noise, can't really trim out. Could be proximity to environmental sound, like computer fan... but probably is just or low signal/noise ratio or just high self-noise in mic and/or sound card/opamp.

Kind of sounds like it's an electret condenser... which can be found in lot's of devices; because they can be small and mostly sound pretty good and clear. Good circuitry can generally reduce noise a lot. 

ChickenMan - Posted - 07/05/2023:  10:45:28

I was referring to trimming the opening noise.

Personally, I don't care about noise or super fidelity when I'm not paying to listen, or if I'm using a free mic smiley??????

Sounds fine, Pete. 

pete_fiddle - Posted - 07/05/2023:  13:27:27

Just messing around trying to use a bunch of stuff in the back of my shed before i throw it out. There's loads of old tech in there, all bunched up like a box of spaghetti, 40 odd years worth of "stuff", trouble is i don't throw anything away...."just in case". I could probably replace the whole mess with a couple of bits of modern tech. but where's the fun in that?...i can't pull anything apart and make a frankeputer etc, with this modern tech. so i play around with the old c**p and see if i can get stuff to work.

pete_fiddle - Posted - 07/05/2023:  15:39:20

Here's another . I think that besides the hissing and wherring this is what i sound like on fiddle...For my sins...

just nice to sit at the computer and hit record and play. i've got a little linux prog (or "app" nowadays), called " Sound recorder" it only has one button to click on then you can keep the recording or delete it no messing with mics daw's or anything. records straight into mp3 also.

Scotty road - Posted - 07/05/2023:  16:34:39

That's some great playing no doubt about it. Hope some day to get that good, great stuff.

I just record straight on my android tablet, should get a mic really, but while I am still a beginner on fiddle, I will have to make do. the missus would be a bit unhappy if I started spending our Sunday dinner money :)

alaskafiddler - Posted - 07/05/2023:  16:36:29

I'm all in favor re-purposing. I was just pointing out that a lot of these older devices can pull apart and find have mics with pretty good fidelity, esp as many are omni (tends to be flatter/smoother). Some of these mics can be made to be used as decent external mic. (cordless phones, answering machines are good candidates). Small size makes esp great for lav/instrument mics. To plug into regular input, need something like this to supply power. One on left can make DIY version, to hold battery and few parts. There are are also XLR and phantom power options like on right. 


The noise part, I mentioned because if can reduce noise, other than that, the mic sounds pretty decent. Often due to circuit board than mic; (esp if USB powered). Some of these devices internal mics already have what might be able to work as much better useable external mic. Or tweaking/changing existing circuit; if don't mind a little soldering a few parts. Alternatively, can buy premade like above, pretty inexpensive, just 2 or 3 wires to solder.


On related note. Lots of devices also have small disc piezo speakers/buzzers. Like smoke detectors, kids toys, greeting cards. These work inversely, as piezo pickups (like hot dots), wire cable/1/4" plug to leads. Great fun.

Edited by - alaskafiddler on 07/05/2023 16:38:44

NCnotes - Posted - 07/06/2023:  22:53:24

Hey Pete,
Great playing of chief o Neill’s!
Enjoyed it!

( A banjo player played it at our session and I loved it and played it obsessively for a while…guess I am like Chief o Neill, LOL. So far, that one and “golden castle” are my favorite hornpipes…I only know a handful.)

I remember your last recording setup had the Sony Walkman…you make good use of your old found gizmos :-)

pete_fiddle - Posted - 07/07/2023:  01:27:32

Thanks all. i didn't expect the mic would sound good. But if there is a mic on your keyboard... Its like being left on your own in a room, with a mirror and a tea cosy....What you going to do?

i think the noise is the power supply to the mic, plus the fans on the computer, plus the noise from the on board sound card, plus anything else that is happening in the room...With a bit of scrapy fiddle and foot banging in the foreground, lol...All good fun. ;O)

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