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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: The Reason My Fiddle Cries

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farmerjones - Posted - 06/12/2023:  18:15:36

Last week we were driving to the grocery store. 30 miles. I was singing Blue Side of Lonesome, making up verses to crack my wife up. Then she never heard of Red Sovine, so we listened to Giddyup Go. We were noticing, the formula seemed kind of cheap and easy. Tragedy. Anyway, it was too hot to work outside, so I broke out the toys. I first thought I would write something down. Then I thought, what fun would that be? So this is how I kill a few hours -

P.S. Crazy! This hasn't been copyright sniped yet! 

Edited by - farmerjones on 06/12/2023 18:19:42

Quincy - Posted - 06/13/2023:  00:45:17

I love it! t's touching and yet a bit dark funny like in My darling Clementine:-D
Beautiful <3

Quincy - Posted - 06/13/2023:  00:47:25

I would now add another verse and play very loud : I am the reason my fiddle shouts lol and so on

groundhogpeggy - Posted - 06/14/2023:  06:20:40

Been kinda burnt out on net stuff lately, but I'm glad I took a peek here this love it! Great job!

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