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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Chattanooga

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Earworm - Posted - 04/08/2023:  09:52:21

This tune is pretty much as I learned it from my teacher / mentor, Dave Losure. I don't currently know of other sources, though I'm sure they are out there. It's not one I hear played around much though - Besides, it's a nice tune, and I think maybe it should get some more attention.

I finally asked my husband, who has recording engineer type experience how to get more out of Audacity to make it feel more natural, less "dry," and I think it worked out fine. (I need simple tools, not walls of buttons to push!) Hopefully I get more comfortable with that process, so I can do this again. Hope you like it. :)

Edited by - Earworm on 04/08/2023 10:01:52

Beebop - Posted - 04/09/2023:  11:09:36

Sounds great, nice and relaxed!

groundhogpeggy - Posted - 04/09/2023:  12:22:57

Nice fiddling, Donna Jo! The recording sounds nice too.

Old Scratch - Posted - 04/09/2023:  17:48:50


Erockin - Posted - 04/10/2023:  04:22:31

Giddy Up!!

RinconMtnErnie - Posted - 04/10/2023:  22:02:47

Regarding the original source, I think it is this Blaine Smith recording: . The tune is pretty popular now, as evidenced by the fact I know it.

RinconMtnErnie - Posted - 04/10/2023:  22:11:19

That video was posted by the original field recorder, Ron Williams. One thing that jumps out at me is that he credits Blaine Smith as playing the viola. And now that I look at all the pictures in the video, it does indeed look like he's playing a viola! But it's clearly tuned almost to standard violin tuning, though a little below standard pitch.

Earworm - Posted - 04/11/2023:  05:19:57

Interesting! Thanks for the information RinconMtnErnie.

Scotty road - Posted - 06/16/2023:  15:12:22

Great stuff

farmerjones - Posted - 06/16/2023:  19:38:30

Fine job!

Edited by - farmerjones on 06/16/2023 19:38:50

Quincy - Posted - 06/16/2023:  22:14:18

I love to hear you play Donna! Great job again on this one <3

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