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groundhogpeggy - Posted - 09/12/2022: 13:31:29
Just messin' around with groundhog "originals" here lately...even though I don't like music of our modern centuries that much. Anyhow...Mike was busy makin' the soap so I stopped what I was doin' and grabbed the camera...made a little saponification movie and then tried to think up some saponifcation music. Am I spelling that right? My computer keeps putting a red line under that word...I won't say which word because I'm tired of the red corrections...lol...especially when I don't know what I done wrong. Anyhow...fiddle is in GDGD...I wanted this faster, but I was fumbly and trying my best to remember the general idea ... no scratch track which always throws me for a loop too...just trying my best to remember a short musical idea...here we go with soap music...
loy - Posted - 09/13/2022: 03:26:33
Hope the soap turned out as good as the tune did! Pretty cool off the cuff music for a tuesday morning Peggy, have a great week .
crunchie812 - Posted - 09/14/2022: 09:22:42
Saponification Music? I'm not familiar with that particular genre, but it sounds like good, clean, fun!
I'm glad you didn't speed it up any, I like the nice, loose, laid back feel.
Keep 'em coming!
groundhogpeggy - Posted - 09/14/2022: 13:28:03
Lol...yes, keep it clean for soap music.
Thanks, Greg. And thank you too, Carl. 'Preciate that, guys.