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Ford Glass - Posted - 09/05/2022: 11:43:15
Hi all,
This is an old Scottish strathspey, dating back to the 18th century. Niel Gow supposedly the composer, but there seems to be some doubt.
I like the tune because it has a lot of ‘scotch snaps’, a very short accented note before a longer note. To me, makes it sound very Scottish. Also like it because it’s quite short, so less chance of making a mess of it :)
NCnotes - Posted - 09/06/2022: 07:08:28
I agree that the Scotch snaps really give it character, I want to learn to do those!
And there's just something so quintessentially Scottish about the tune overall...
Sounds great!
groundhogpeggy - Posted - 09/06/2022: 09:11:21
Wow that sure does sound extremely Scottish! Great job fiddling that...sounds great.
Ford Glass - Posted - 09/07/2022: 09:16:02
Thanks for the positive feedback.
@Stringy “trying to play these”., yeah, heard you were working on Captain Campbell, a really good one!
@NC “quintessentially Scottish”., a bit off topic, but I think that same phrase was used by Mike Myers when he gave a really funny, and spot on tribute to Sir Sean Connery.
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