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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Any idea who this maker is?

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FlatwoodsFiddler - Posted - 07/22/2022:  14:56:18

Any idea who this maker is? The fiddle seems to be hand made and pretty old. The previous owner said it was from the 1870s but I'm doubtful.

KCFiddles - Posted - 07/22/2022:  18:33:01

Your picture doesn't show many details, but from what I can see it's branded Carl Vulzar, a "Verleger"- ( Distributor / wholesaler) in the general Makneukirchen area circa 1900 made as Dutzend Arbeit by anonymous cottage workers in Schoenbach in Bohemia, a few miles from Markneukirchen. Essentially the German equivalent of a Lark, so not much value or interest.

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