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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Railroad Hornpipe by Don Messer

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Marlee The Fiddler - Posted - 05/10/2021:  15:43:35

Does anyone have sheet music of Railroad Hornpipe by Don Messer?

TuneWeaver - Posted - 04/17/2022:  06:32:50

TuneWeaver - Posted - 04/17/2022:  07:16:52

The tune listed on The Session was written by Charles Grant... Don't know if Don Messer is playing the Grant tune or one of his own creations.. Having listened to Don play it, I'd think that the Session tune is different!!! Apparently the Railway and Railroad Hornpipes are not the same..


Edited by - TuneWeaver on 04/17/2022 07:24:47

DougD - Posted - 04/17/2022:  18:07:41

Wow! Great tune. Sorry I can't help with notation. All I can say is that its on YouTube as Day 344 of Patti Kusturok's "365 Days of Fiddle Tunes." Its a little easier to understand when you can see her (seriously busy) fingers.

mmuussiiccaall - Posted - 04/18/2022:  09:08:57

here you go;v=3356

Edited by - mmuussiiccaall on 04/18/2022 09:11:50

TuneWeaver - Posted - 04/18/2022:  09:10:39


Originally posted by mmuussiiccaall

here you go;v=3356

I'm curious, where did you find the PDF?? I looked all over!! OR.. did you do that yourself??


Edited by - TuneWeaver on 04/18/2022 09:11:35

mmuussiiccaall - Posted - 04/18/2022:  09:12:36

Yeah I did it.

TuneWeaver - Posted - 04/18/2022:  10:24:06


Originally posted by mmuussiiccaall

Yeah I did it.

I'm impressed!

mmuussiiccaall - Posted - 04/18/2022:  10:44:35

It's good for an old man's mind!

pete_fiddle - Posted - 04/18/2022:  12:58:07


Originally posted by mmuussiiccaall

It's good for an old man's mind!

That is a lightning fast transcription!! ...Which software are you using?.... Or do yo just write it down. Good stuff ...Always impressed by your transcriptions.

cheers Pete

mmuussiiccaall - Posted - 04/18/2022:  14:03:33

Probably an hour and a half if I had just sat down at one setting but it was of course Easter weekend. In my teaching career I've transcribed thousands and thousands of different genres of songs in my 60 years in music, now it's my way to escape from the concerns of this world.

Peghead - Posted - 05/07/2022:  05:11:31

Thanks Richard -

Old Scratch - Posted - 05/07/2022:  08:53:46

It's nice that someone (publicly) thanked him, isn't it?

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