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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Fiddle Tunes Sheet Music Needed Urgently

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Marlee The Fiddler - Posted - 05/08/2021:  15:33:17

Hi everyone

I am now needing sheet music for these tunes:

Believing, by Ned Landry.....cannot locate the music.
7 Step Polka (not sure who composed it)

As a new fiddler, I am having so much difficulty locating tunes and really appreciate everyone of you who go that extra mile to help me.

Anxiously awaiting to see if we can have these soon. Need to learn before Wednesday.


Marlee The Fiddler

fiddledawg - Posted - 05/08/2021:  19:06:40

Sheet music for the Landry tune may not exist -
Seven step is here -

Lonesome Fiddler - Posted - 05/08/2021:  19:09:23

It's a problem. Old Time Traditional tunes are not traditionally put down in manuscript. In the folk tradition they are learned and passed down via listening and direct instruction. I honestly don't know of any written source. As far as I know, there is nothing like O'Neil's celebrated compendium of Irish tunes. Sorry to report, I'd probably just cast my fate to Google.

UsuallyPickin - Posted - 05/09/2021:  04:34:17

I expect that you will have to pay a transcription service. If Google does not yield a copy it will find you somewhere to get that done.

GeorgeH - Posted - 05/09/2021:  05:59:24


Originally posted by Lonesome Fiddler

It's a problem. Old Time Traditional tunes are not traditionally put down in manuscript. In the folk tradition they are learned and passed down via listening and direct instruction. I honestly don't know of any written source. As far as I know, there is nothing like O'Neil's celebrated compendium of Irish tunes. Sorry to report, I'd probably just cast my fate to Google.

Google "The Milliner - Koken Collection of American Fiddle Tunes." It is an amazing compendium of Old-Time Fiddle Tunes.

BanjoBrad - Posted - 05/10/2021:  09:45:07

Just a suggestion - you might try putting these requests in the "Notation, Tabs, etc." forum.

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